精益术语(lean glossary)
3P: Production Preparation Process. Rapidly designing processes and equipment to ensure capability, built-in quality, productivity, and Takt-Flow-Pull. The 3P minimizes resources needed such as capital, tooling, space, inventory, and time.3Ds: Working conditions or jobs that are dirty, dangerous, or difficult.
3 ELEMENTS OF DEMAND: The three drivers of customer satisfaction are Quality, Cost, and Delivery.
3 GEN PRINCIPLES: The three principles are 1) office floor (gemba), 2) the actual product (gembutsu), and 3) the facts (genjitsu). The key to successful Kaizen is going to the worksite, working with the actual product/process, and getting the facts.
3 ELEMENTS OF JUST IN TIME (JIT): The three elements of JIT are 1) takt time, 2) flow production, and 3) the downstream pull system.
**** Hidden Message ***** 这个是个好东西。。实在不行拿这些东西蒙人还是没问题的。。呵呵。。 不能蒙人。要实事求是的做事。 楼上说的对,要务实 好东西啊 谢谢楼主分享 英语 还不行,慢慢看。。 天啊,又是英文,叫我情何以堪啊 俺刚才回帖啦,郁闷 很好的资料,值得顶一下 好 东西不是靠蒙人的