世界500强培训_精益生产系列_小团队改善活动指南_中英文版Overview & Scope 4
Objective 5
Structure and Basic Elements of a SGA Team SGA 6-7
SGA Team – Basic Requirements SGA -8-13
Problem Solving Techniques 14-15
7 QC Tools & Examples QC16-24
SGA Additional Tools SGA 25-30
Look at the problem from different angles.􀒢􀏡􀧠􂱘􃾦􁑺􂳟􄯂􄹬;
Record all the ideas.􄆄􁔩􁠔􁳝􂱘􃾖􂚍;
Examine all the ideas together. 􁠔􁳝􃾖􂚍􂈛􁘏;
Arrange ideas in order of importance.􁸍􁥂􄞡􃽕􁗻􁥦􀟫􃾖􂚍.
List the causes that may be a problem.􀟫􀟎􁳝􀧃􃛑􁰃􄯂􄹬􂱘􀥳􀲴
Think of the countermeasures to eliminate the causes. 􃗗􃰥􀽖􀔩􀞣􁇥􀥳􀲴􂱘􁇍
王总好多料呀:) 事实就是才是真 分享,交流
:) :) 谢谢分享,好资料 看看世界500强的精益生产资料,学习一下标杆@! 这个要看看,应该有借鉴意义,谢谢王总 简单明确,很有阐述性的指导作用,推推介性的说明会应该巨有帮助!