很好的看板系统资料点击进入下载-KANBAN_System.ppt •Establish and maintain a minimum and maximum inventory of each part at its point of use.
•The minimum/maximum inventory level is necessary to prevent:
1) running out of parts2) having more parts than required at the point of use.•This min/max level is set by calculating the:
-Kanban loop cycle
-Point of use quantity requirements (i.e. Min. 2 hours)
那就多加点啊! 一天不学习,哪能超过刘少奇。 :) thank you for sharing 学习学习,谢谢楼主~ 感谢分享~~ 很好的资料啊 路过。。。。。。。。。。。 谢谢分享。。。。。。。。