作者: gtsnake 时间: 2011-11-3 20:40
Just so so. Now there's a model named SCOR which is performance model of supply chain.作者: richardyoung 时间: 2011-12-12 23:59
if better, wd u share with us? 作者: hisun 时间: 2012-1-2 02:03
非常感谢您!作者: 范闲 时间: 2012-1-2 07:07 本帖最后由 范闲 于 2012-1-2 07:08 编辑
gtsnake 发表于 2011-11-3 20:40
Just so so. Now there's a model named SCOR which is performance model of supply chain.
can you say that in Oct 2003?
i guess you didn't know about the concept of the supply chain at all at that time!作者: 风临疏竹 时间: 2012-1-2 13:50
好像是个不错的帖子作者: LP-Alex 时间: 2012-4-29 16:42
谢谢楼主分享的好资料作者: LP-Alex 时间: 2012-4-29 16:43
谢谢楼主分享的好资料作者: 活鱼 时间: 2012-5-7 18:29
学习下..........作者: mssm1319 时间: 2013-7-5 16:22
好资料,学习学习作者: scott 时间: 2013-8-15 14:54
好贵 穷 作者: Kyle.L 时间: 2014-4-17 15:21
供应商绩效指标,一直在寻找,终于遇到了,谢谢楼主!作者: qych311 时间: 2015-3-23 09:02
貌似很牛的东西~!作者: 蚂蚁快跑 时间: 2015-5-25 13:22
mark! SCOR download!!!!!作者: spogb 时间: 2015-10-9 06:28
作者: 容静思 时间: 2015-10-9 07:30
谢谢您的资料···作者: sishazi83 时间: 2015-12-22 23:59
Just so so. Now there's a model named SCOR which is performance model of supply chain.作者: guanmale2012 时间: 2015-12-23 08:23
haoziliaoyaoxuexi作者: liuying1989 时间: 2016-1-8 14:48