最近看了一篇Marek Piatkowski写的关于如何实施精益培训的文章,觉得很全面,很多观念也对我们从事精益的人很有启发,就尝试着将它翻译后贴出来。文章挺长的,word文档有22页,就只有翻译一两页后贴一次了。过程中才发现翻译工作还真不是件容易的事,只有勉为其难了,就当对自己是否理解文章意思的一个检验好了,希望大家发现不对的地方多提意见。

It is a pictorial representation of the principles and strengths of the Toyota Production System (TPS). The foundation of TPS is standardized work. The two major pillars supporting TPS are just-in-time (JIT) and jidoka, (also known as autonomation or quality-at-the-source) or as I call it, stop the line, fix the problem.
上图解释了丰田生产方式的一般性原则及优势所在。丰田生产方式的根本/基础是标准化,两大支柱为准时化(JIT) 和 自动化 (Autonomation),自动化我理解为,当问题发生时,停下生产线,解决问题。
The first time I heard about JIT was in 1980 when NBC showed a television documentary called “If Japan Can, Why Can’t We?” Later on, I came across two books written by Richard J. Schonberger called Japanese Manufacturing Techniques and World Class Manufacturing. Finally, Jim Womack, Dan Jones, and Daniel Roos introduced a landmark book called The Machine that Changed the World and the lean revolution was born. We found a formula on how to improve the performance of our companies through the lean production approach based on TPS.
我第一次听说JIT是在1980年NBC播出一个电视纪录片叫做“如果日本能,为什么我们不能?”稍后,我偶然看到Richard J. Schonberger写的两本书“Japanese Manufacturing Techniques” 和“World Class Manufacturing”。最后,Jim Womack, Dan Jones和 Daniel Roos 介绍了一本里程碑式的书名叫“改变世界的机器”随之这精益革命诞生了。我们终于找到了一种如何提高我们公司表现的准则,那就是--源于丰田生产方式的精益生产。
We started to study any publication that came out of Japan. We learned about quality circles, waste, 5S, kanbans, kaizens, single-minute exchange of dies (SMED), flow, cell layout, supermarkets, and value-stream mapping. We learned a lot. During the last 20 years, we also implemented a lot of these new lean methodologies and processes. Unfortunately, the results are limited and most of the new processes do not last long term.
我们开始学习任何一本来自日本的有关这方面的刊物。我们学习了质量圈,浪费,5S,Kanban,Kaizen持续改善, SMED快速切换, Flow流程化, Cell Layout单元生产, Supermarkets超市管理, 和VSM价值流程图。我们学习了很多。在过去的20年,我们也同时执行了当中一些新的精益方法和流程。不幸的是,改善效果很有限并且大部分的新方法不能长时间维持。(是不是与我们改善现状很相似?--DK)
What we are forgetting is that we need to have a total understanding of all lean processes in order to successfully implement the program. We need to have the right people involved in the implementation and we need to follow a learning model developed by Toyota. Many companies initiate training activities and attempt to implement different aspects of lean looking for a quick fix. It took Toyota over 50 years to develop what we now call the TPS. You cannot expect long-term results by rushing the implementation or not investing in training.
A lean environment requires a different style of management, style of leadership, performance measurements, organizational structures, thinking, and culture. We have done a lot of training and made organizational changes, but do we really understand how to select people to implement and run lean manufacturing? Do we know what skills they need to be effective in a lean environment or what kind of training we need to develop to be successful in implementing lean?
In the following pages, I will try to answer these questions, give some directions, and offer recommendations in the area of training requirements for implementing lean.
When Toyota opened its first manufacturing facility in North America in 1984 with the launch of the NUMMI joint venture with GM, there was a lot of promotion regarding the amount of training that would be offered to new employees. Training was one of the major attractions to getting a job at Toyota, beginning with NUMMI and later on with TMM in Georgetown, Kentucky, and TMMC in Cambridge, Ontario. I joined TMMC in June of 1987 as the training manager. Here are some of my initial observations about Toyota’s training style.
当丰田公司于1984年在北美与通用合资兴建第一家制造工厂HUMMI的时候,有很多关于公司会提供大量培训给新员工的宣传。培训在那时成为加入丰田公司最有吸引力的地方,开始是HUMMI工厂,随后是Georgetown, Kentucky的TMM,以及在Cambridge, Ontario 的TMMC。我在1987年6月作为培训经理加入TMMC。以下是一些我最初对丰田培训风格的观察资料。
Observation 1: Training Is Done by Managers and Leaders观察报告之一:培训的实质是管理者的亲历亲为One of my first discoveries about training at Toyota was that there was very little written about TPS. There were no books or operating manuals. There were some brochures and handouts, but nothing close to what we are used to, and there were no written policies defining what TPS was. 我的第一个关于丰田培训的发现就是这儿很少有关于什么是丰田生产方式的书面记载。根本没有书籍或指南性的东西。这儿只是一些薄的分发下来的小册子或印刷品,但不类似跟我们常用的那些东西,并且没有任何条条款款来规定或定义什么是丰田生产方式。 Toyota very heavily depends on the spoken word to train and sustain the knowledge of TPS from one generation to another. Experienced group leaders, team leaders, senior executives, managers, engineers and specialists become mentors and trainers. Training on many occasions is conducted one-on-one with hand-generated notes or pictorials. (A method we have since learned to call value-stream mapping). There are sit-down sessions as well as visits to the manufacturing floor or to the warehouse or to the office to observe actual processes in action.丰田非常依赖于言传身教这种方式来保持它的生产方式。富有经验的集团领导者,团队领导者,资深的执行者,经理,工程师和专家们购成指导者和培训师。培训很多时候就通过简单的纪录和图表的方式完成。(我们曾经学习过一种叫价值流程图的方法)。现场会议也是方式之一,比如我们在参观制造厂,库房,办公室,或者正在运转的流程时。 TPS is considered a living, dynamic, and always changing entity. There have been modifications and improvements to TPS since its introduction over 50 years ago. These improvements result from contributions from individuals who were able to overcome some of the process issues or find a better way.丰田生产方式一直被当作一种活生生的,动态的,随时变化着的体系存在。自从50年前产生丰田生产方式的那一刻起他就不断地在自我完善和提高。这种持续改善对个体的贡献就表现在能不断的克服自我流程上的问题并找到好的解决办法。 There are no formal certification processes to become a TPS trainer or a mentor. There is no such a thing as a “TPS instructor.” There are groups of internal consultants in each plant or major business unit whose primary responsibility is to help senior managers move the organization towards the ideal state. Many of these individuals have received intensive training through Toyota’s Operations Management Consulting Division (OMCD). It was established to develop and diffuse the system through Toyota and its suppliers. Each leader is responsible for teaching and training his or her subordinates, and this is done almost daily. (In 1992, Toyota founded the Toyota Supplier Support Center (TSSC) in the United States to provide North American companies with training in TPS. TSSC is modeled on OMCD).在丰田从没有什么正式的程序来认证一个人是否成为丰田生产方式的培训师。也没有什么“丰田生产方式讲师”一说。但在丰田有一个内部顾问团队,其存在于丰田的每个工厂或哪些主要职责为帮助高级管理人员们达到一个理想组织的商业机构中。他们都接受过OMCD组织(丰田运作管理咨询公司)的严格训练。OMCD的建立是为了在丰田和他的供应商中发展和传播丰田模式,组织的每位领导者负责传导知识和培训下属,并且这几乎已经变成他们日常工作。(在1992年,丰田在美国建立了丰田供应商支持中心来对北美的公司提供丰田生产方式的培训。TSSC实质上是OMCD组织的一个翻版) This training process is very similar to a trade apprenticeship program, where an experienced craftsman takes a student “under his wing” and teaches him knowledge and skills required to perform a job. It really does not matter if you are a new employee on a shop floor or a newly promoted manager. There always will be a senior mentor or an advisor waiting to teach you. 这种培训方式与传统手艺人带学徒的方法非常相似,一个技艺高超的工匠亲历亲为地教以知识和技能直到学徒能出师为止。所以不会在意你是否为来自一线的新员工或者刚刚提升到一个新岗位上,这里总会有位资深的指导老师来教授你。 The amazing part of this teaching process is how consistent and reliable it is. Everybody gets the same point, there are no conflicting messages, there are no individual interpretations of TPS philosophies, and there are no disagreements. The success of TPS is that everybody understands the principles and follows them. Their superiors immediately correct those who attempt to do or teach something outside the principles and philosophies of TPS. This is where we learned the meaning of a Japanese proverb, “The nail that sticks out gets hammered in.”这种培训最令人惊异的地方在于它是如此的一致和可靠。每个人都掌握的是同样的要点,根本没有任何冲突或矛盾的信息,没有任何人对丰田生产方式哲学体系有自己不同的理解和秉持不同意见。丰田生产方式最大的成功在于每个人都懂得并追随她。有任何可能违背丰田法则和哲学体系的情形都能立即得到来自高层的纠正。正如我们了解到的一句日本谚语:“任何伸出的钉子都会被敲进去